Rhode Island Senior Games

We are busy creating our better-than-ever 2025 schedule of events, which we hope to have posted on 'Sports & Registration' page before March 31. Let's have a healthy and active 2025!

Track & Field meet a big success … in pictures!

A triumphant return to track & field competition, after a 5-year hiatus,  was achieved last Saturday 9/7 at Conley Stadium in Providence, RI. 

Almost 100 athletes, aged 50-90, from far and wide … including from every New England state, gave their all in our running, jumping, and throwing events. 

“I couldn’t be happier, and based on input from athletes and others, everyone was thrilled with our meet” said Jane Headley, Meet Director and RI Senior Game board member. “We had the best Volunteers, superb Officials, and great Facilities personnel to keep everything running efficiently and on time.  The venue offered extras that truly made a big difference … 3 throwing circles, a new synthetic track, multiple jumping pits, a Concession stand to keep folks fed with burgers and hotdogs and snacks and keep them hydrated, and convenient parking.” David Belhumeur, board member who assisted Jane noted “I couldn’t be more proud of how successful Jane has been in this come-back year for us. Everyone had so much fun, especially when taking pictures with our chicken … our Rhode Island Red!”  

But, as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words … so click on this link to see how much fun everyone had! 

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